无耳沼兰属  转到中国兰科植物志

Dienia Lindley Bot. Reg. 10: ad t. 825. 1824.

无耳沼兰属 wu er zhao lan shu

Authors:Authors: Xinqi Chen & Jeffrey J. Wood

Anaphora Gagnepain; Gastroglottis Blume; Pedilea Lindley.

Herbs, terrestrial or rarely epiphytic. Roots hairy. Stem cylindric, fleshy, often creeping and rooting in basal part, thickened into ovoid or conic pseudobulbs which are sometimes enclosed by scarious sheaths. Leaves 2 to several, thinly textured, plicate, petiole sheathing at base. Inflorescence apical, erect, racemose, unbranched; floral bracts persistent, lanceolate or setose. Flowers not resupinate or resupinate, green, brown, yellow, pink, or purple. Dorsal sepal spreading, free; lateral sepals free or fused, spreading. Petals often narrower than sepals, free, spreading; lip parallel to column, sometimes concave at base, entire or lobed, lacking auricles at base, apical margin entire or toothed, lacking a spur, callus absent, cushionlike or obscurely transversely ridged. Column lacking a foot; anther cap dorsal, attached by a broad filament, locules opening ventrally; pollinia 4, in pairs, clavate, waxy; stigma semicircular or transversely elliptic; rostellum obtuse at apex.

About 19 species: throughout the Asian tropics and subtropics and in Australia; two species in China.


